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Practice Mastery Summit


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Transform Your Life and Your Chiropractic Practice

Do you want to close the gap between where you are today and where you want to be?

Chiropassion Consulting is a practice management company and group coaching chiropractors to grow their practices. Chiropassion Consulting offers the most personalized, passionate and successful chiropractic coaching program available to you.

Learn the most powerful steps in your practice to increase new patients, provide more adjustments, make more money, create more fun, and have more freedom.


If you desire to grow your chiropractic practice founded on ethical and care oriented principles, then join us and train with Champions as we take the profession into the future, while preserving the foundation of the art, philosophy, and science on which the chiropractic profession was built.

Chiropassion Consulting 
Programs, Memberships and Events

Mastery Online   

Mastery Online was created for Chiropractors and their Chiropractic Team with a commitment to growth and advancing their chiropractic practice.

Let Dr. Borio help you become a Chiropractic Champion and conquer your unique challenges to elevate your practice to greater success and freedom. 

Created for you, the doc, and your team with a commitment to growth making tomorrow more successful than today. I put together a powerful program allowing you to access all our training videos and office practice forms. $229 Per Doctor, 6 month minimum.



Call Today: (315) 505-4128